We’re glad you’re here.


When you arrive.

When you arrive, there are greeters ready to say hello at both church entrances. Feel free to ask the greeters any questions you may have. They will direct you to the Welcome Center. A friend is waiting there to meet you and to give you more info. If you are here for the worship service, you will then be directed toward the sanctuary. Our ushers will greet you with a smile and a weekly church bulletin. Feel free to find a comfortable seat!



If you need child care during the service, we have nursery care available for infants through age 3 during both services as well as the Sunday School hour. Children ages 4-9 join the adult worship service and will be dismissed later in the service to join children’s church located in the church gym. Please register your child at one of the KidCheck stations before the service starts. The Welcome Center will direct you to a station if needed.


Come as you are.

You will see people dressed in anything from traditional church clothes to jeans and sneakers. If you arrive before Sunday School, feel free to meet in the gym for coffee and fellowship. Our Sunday services begin with worship music that ranges from traditional to modern styles, followed by the message. You will hear solid teachings from the Word of God. Offerings are a part of our worship and thanksgiving to God. We want you to feel welcome as our guest, so let the offering plate pass.

We are so glad you are here!


Find out more about our services.